GOTHAM CATERING AND EVENTS committed to protecting the health and safety of Our worker’s, recipients of food and workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. the health and safety of our clients and employees is a priority, now more than ever. To help mitigate exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases we have taken guidance from the Center for Disease Control as well as the Food and Drug Administration to update our health and cleanliness protocols. We follow a protocol to help us keep everyone safe (Workplace, recipients and workers)

We Take the following steps to reduce the risk of exposure to the Coronavirus




Drivers And vehicle operators safe/no-contact delivery and COVID-19 guidelines

  • Monitor your health and stay home if you are sick or test positive for COVID- 19, except for getting essential medical care (including COVID-19 testing) and other essential needs.
  • If you had or may have had COVID-19, stay home until all the following are true:
  • It has been at least 10 days since your symptoms started
  • You have not had a fever for the last 24 hours without the use of fever- reducing drugs
  • Your overall health has improved
  • If you tested positive for COVID-19 by a swab or saliva test but never had symptoms, stay home for 10 days from the
    date you were tested.
  • You should also stay home if you were recently in close contact with someone who has COVID-19
  • Driver must have proof of vaccination or to submit weekly PCR test results Each Car Coming in different times. not together
  • Clean and disinfect your vehicle routinely.
  • Each Car Has Hand Sanitizer
  • Each Car Has a Box of Gloves
  • Each Car Has Extra Masks
  • Each Driver Must Wash Hands with soap and water for 20 seconds Before starting
  • Drivers must wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth at all times.
  • Drivers must sanitize their hands and then put on latex gloves before every delivery. After each delivery
  • Drivers Must remove Gloves and change them then sanitize after each delivery

Delivery Personnel safe/no-contact delivery and COVID-19 guidelines

  • Our Delivery personnel will have proof of vaccination or to submit weekly PCR test results EVERY FRIDAY After Work
  • Each delivery person will be Coming in different times. not together
  • Each delivery person aware Hand Sanitizer in each car
  • Each delivery person must make sure there is a times. Box Of Gloves
  • Each delivery person must make sure there is an Extra Masks in each car
  • Each delivery person Must Wash Hands with soap and water for 20 seconds Before starting
  • Each delivery person must wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth at all times.
  • Each delivery person must sanitize their hands and then put on latex gloves before every delivery. After each delivery
  • if pick-up/delivery is in indoors/enclosed space, windows and/or doors are opened to allow for ventilation.
  • Each delivery person Must remove Gloves and change them then sanitize after each delivery


Gotham Catering And Events committed to protecting the health and safety of Our worker’s, recipients of food and workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. We follow a protocol to help us keep everyone safe (Workplace, recipients and workers)

We Take the following steps to reduce the risk of exposure to the coronavirus

Gotham Catering And Events Managements COVID-19 guidelines

  1. Symptom Screening All staff will be required to Daily COVID-19 Screener before work each day of delivery
  2. An individual who screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms must not be allowed to enter the premises and must be sent home with instructions to contact their healthcare provider for assessment and testing.
  3. We Provide and have all workers wear face coverings (i.e., cloth face coverings or surgical masks) that have at least two layers of tightly woven breathable fabric. Face coverings should be provided at no cost to workers.
  4. Face coverings must be cleaned or replaced after use and may not be shared.
  5. limit on-site interactions (designate an egress for workers leaving their shifts and a separate ingress for workers starting their shifts) and movements (e.g., employees should remain near their workstations as often as possible).
  6. We Established flexible work hours (staggered shifts).
  7. Implement physical distancing practices to maintain at least six feet between co-workers, clients, and customers.
  8. We asked our vendors that need to come on premises, to come one-at-a-time process, in which only one vendor delivers a product at a time, employees clean and disinfect high touch surfaces, and the next vendor can enter the premises
  9. We Asked Our Suppliers to Leave deliveries at doorsteps, loading docks, or other locations that do not require person-to-person exposures.
  10. must ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms
  11. We Provide places to wash hands and alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent ethanol
  12. We assign Worker’s to Regularly clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces
  13. DOH COVID-19 signage must be kept visible throughout the Store
  14. We Do not allow workers to share tools and equipment between workers. If sharing cannot be eliminated, we insisting in clean and disinfect between each use.
  15. We explain and Train workers on COVID-19 policies and procedures in a language they understand. (Spanish)
  16. We ask and encourage workers to report any safety and health concerns. And
  17. Immediately notify management if they don’t feel well and experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Congestion or runny nose ● Headache                                 ● Diarrhea
  • New loss of taste or smell ● Sore throat                              ● Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever or chills         ● Muscle or body aches   ● Cough
  • Fatigue                            ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Drivers And vehicle operators COVID-19 guidelines

  1. Monitor your health and stay home if you are sick or test positive for COVID- 19, except for getting essential medical care (including COVID-19 testing) and other essential needs.
  2. If you had or may have had COVID-19, stay home until all the following are true:
  3. It has been at least 10 days since your symptoms started

                     –You have not had a fever for the last 24 hours without the use of fever- reducing drugs
                     –Your overall health has improved
                    –If you tested positive for COVID-19 by a swab or saliva test but never had symptoms, stay home for 10 days from the date you were tested.

  1. You should also stay home if you were recently in close contact with someone who has COVID-19
  2. Driver must have proof of vaccination or to submit weekly PCR test results Each Car Coming in different times. not together
  3. Clean and disinfect your vehicle routinely.
  4. Each Car Has Hand Sanitizer
  5. Each Car Has a Box of Gloves
  6. Each Car Has Extra Masks
  7. Each Driver Must Wash Hands with soap and water for 20 seconds Before starting
  8. Drivers must wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth at all times.
  9. Drivers must sanitize their hands and then put on latex gloves before every delivery. After each delivery
  10. Drivers Must remove Gloves and change them then sanitize after each delivery

Delivery Personnel COVID-19 guidelines

  1. Our Delivery personnel will have proof of vaccination or to submit weekly PCR test results EVERY FRIDAY After Work
  2. Each delivery person will be Coming in different times. not together
  3. Each delivery person aware Hand Sanitizer in each car
  4. Each delivery person must make sure there is a times. Box Of Gloves
  5. Each delivery person must make sure there is an Extra Masks in each car
  6. Each delivery person Must Wash Hands with soap and water for 20 seconds Before starting
  7. Each delivery person must wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth at all times.
  8. Each delivery person must sanitize their hands and then put on latex gloves before every delivery. After each delivery
  9. if pick-up/delivery is in indoors/enclosed space, windows and/or doors are opened to allow for ventilation.
  10. Each delivery person Must remove Gloves and change them then sanitize after each delivery

Gotham Catering And Events Chef and Kitchen Staff COVID-19 guidelines

  1. Before returning to work, must complete pre-return checks and assessments of kitchen systems to ensure a healthy and safe environment.
  2. must wear face coverings at all times.
  3. should reconfigure kitchens to maintain six feet distance, to the extent possible.
  4. should stagger shifts, to do work ahead of time.
  5. staff are dedicated to one station throughout their shift
  6. To place items on the counter for the next person to pick up rather than pass items from hands to hands.
  7. must minimize sharing of kitchen equipment between staff (e.g., knives, pots, rags/towels), where possible.
  8. Kitchen Staff and Packers, Stewardess, ETC. must social distancing is within and while waiting for restrooms.
  9. The chef instructed to modify the use and/or restrict the number of work stations
  10. At employee seating areas employees are at least six feet apart in all directions
  11. When distancing is not feasible. workers must not share areas without cleaning and disinfection between use
  12. Workers not to use of small spaces (e.g., freezers or storage rooms) by more than one individual at a time
  13. must adherence to hygiene and cleaning and disinfection requirements
  14. Ensure employees replace gloves frequently. And Encourage employees to change gloves when switching tasks



Gotham Catering And Events shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances and codes, including without limitation all licensing requirements and regulations with respect to food handling, and shall obtain all licenses, permits and approvals necessary for the performance of the Services. Gotham Catering And Events shall also monitor its employees to ensure that each employee complies with each of the above requirements, is free of food-borne communicable diseases and routinely practices good hygiene, including hand washing. The Facilities, Services and food prepared by Gotham Catering And Events will at all times be subject to inspection by an authorized, capable person or persons designated by The House.

Gotham Catering And Events shall maintain high standards of sanitation, housekeeping, food storage, and food handling in regard to all Services contemplated by this Agreement. Gotham Catering And Events shall be responsible for daily cleaning and routine preventive maintenance within (and immediately adjacent to): food preparation areas, storage areas, serving and dining areas, exclusive use office space, rest rooms, and all equipment used by Gotham Catering And Events. Sanitation shall comply with all requirements of the Contract Documents.

Our managers will follow the steps below to assure the house of an ongoing and effective sanitation and food safety program. Although we develop a specific program addressing your unique needs.


  • Food storage, preparation and service areas are kept clean.
  • If food is stored and prepared in areas not used solely for that purpose, the space has been adapted to fit food and safety requirements.
  • A cleaning schedule is posted in a food preparation area.
  • Food storage, preparation and utensil-washing areas are restricted to those involved in food service.
  • All areas are clean and well maintained including: floors, walls, ceilings, windows, doors, skylights, light fixtures, vent covers, fans, mats, duckboards and decorative materials.
  • Utensils, tableware, equipment and work surfaces used for food preparation and service are kept clean and sanitized.
  • Hot and cold running water are available in food service areas.
  • Food contact surfaces are cleaned using cloths that are free of metal.
  • Utensils and work surfaces are cleaned with soap and hot water and sanitized whenever they are used and in accordance with the cleaning schedule.
  • New bottles, receptacles and utensils are thoroughly cleansed and sanitized before use.
  • Utensils for handling food and containers for storing food that are chipped, cracked, rusted, corroded, or badly worn are discarded.
  • Adherence to strict standards based on FDA Food Code guidelines
  • Proper hand-washing procedures
  • Proper and appropriate uniforms complete with hairnets
  • Foods stored, prepared and served at correct temperatures
  • Prevention of cross-contamination between raw and ready-to-eat foods
  • Guidelines followed for maintaining dry storerooms, refrigerators and freezer storage
  • Guidelines followed for safe usage of all cleaning products
  • Grease is not poured down sinks but disposed of as garbage.
  • The following cleaning and wiping cloths are kept separately:
  1. Clean, dry cloths used for wiping food spills from tableware;
  2. Moist cloths used for wiping food spills on kitchenware and food-contact surfaces;
  3. Moist cloths for cleaning of non-food-contact surfaces (e.g., counters, walls, dining tables).
  • Moist cloths used for cleaning are stored in a sanitizing solution between
  • Grease is not poured down sinks but disposed of as garbage.
  • The following cleaning and wiping cloths are kept separately:
  1. Clean, dry cloths used for wiping food spills from tableware;
  2. Moist cloths used for wiping food spills on kitchenware and food-contact surfaces;
  3. Moist cloths for cleaning of non-food-contact surfaces (e.g., counters, walls, dining tables).
  • Moist cloths used for cleaning are stored in a sanitizing solution between uses.


Orientation of new staff.

  • Orientation covers the following at minimum (see also service specific standards):
  • Program personnel policies;
  • Job functions and tasks;
  • Program policies and procedures;
  • Relevant standards;
  • Participant and client rights (including rights to consideration, privacy, dignity and respect);
  • Emergency procedures

Emergency first aid.

  • First Aid Kits are visible and accessible to staff.
  • Contents are replenished after use or when passed their expiration dates.


The Gotham’s Corporate Catering department offers our corporate clients seamless service in all areas of your catering needs. From food preparation to transportation and service, we specialize in professionalism. We proudly practice CCSR: Corporate Catering Social Responsibility. This means providing the freshest locally grown ingredients for our customers sourced from socially responsible, local farmers and vendors.



We’ve got the experience. Day after day, our clients expect, and receive, the highest degree of quality, variety and consistency. These same qualities are the very foundation we bring to Gotham Catering. Your business will always be appreciated, your requests will be filled in a timely and professional manner.



Hiring a caterer is a great way to show your clients or employees that you appreciate them. It can also be a great way to build relationships and strengthen bonds with key customers or partners. Our corporate catering services include: Executive Dining, Company Socials, Company BBQs and More!



Spending time with the people we know and love is what life’s all about. That’s why the team at Gotham Catering is so dedicated to helping you bring family, friends and acquaintances together to share a special experience. Small and intimate or large and extravagant, we’ll work with you to plan an amazing party!



Your guests are probably just as excited to know what’s going to be on the menu as they are to see you walk down the aisle. That being said, it is important to pay careful attention to your wedding day dishes!
Rehearsal Dinners
Staffed Stations
Wedding Showers
Staffed Stations
Bachelor Parties
Themed Buffets ETC.



We serve alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with a wide range of options for any event. We also provide skilled bartenders
Soft Drinks
Cash Bars
Top Shelf Bars
Non-Alcoholic ETC.



We offer additional services to make your event complete, such as linens, flowers, and rentals. Let us know what you need and we’ll take care of it.
Setup & Cleanup
Center Pieces
Linens and More!

Let’s Start Planning Your Event!

Our planners are standing by to answer your questions and bring your vision to life.

Gotham Catering 5 stars

Gotham catering team is the best in New York City.”

Rocio Castillo Google

Contact Gotham Catering And Events For Your Next Event . Corporate or wedding Gotham catering And Events will offer you the best services available. From Healthy Choices To Special diets please call us today.Contact Gotham Catering

Let’s Start Planning Your Event!

Our planners are standing by to answer your questions and bring your vision to life
Contact Gotham Catering And Events For Your Next Event . Corporate or wedding Gotham catering And Events will offer you the best services available. From Healthy Choices To Special diets please call us today.Contact Gotham Catering


We Cater 7 days a week all over 5 Boroughs throughout NYC including: Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, Bronx ; Brooklyn
32 W 39th St New York, NY 10018
Monday – Sunday: 5:00AM – 7:00PM
Phones are answered 24 hours a day


Call us at
